page 391 – Smooth, real smooth
YOU ARE NOT GOOD AT THIS, TRIGGER! Heck, I’m absolutely one hundred percent clueless when it comes to relationships, and even I know you’re screwing this up! The sad thing, of course, is that, in Trigger’s head, he’s really helping Jenna out by giving her time to do whatever she wants. Too bad he’s completely incapable of wrapping his head around the idea that what she wants is for him to stick around. *sigh* Just like a man, huh? Oh hey, if anybody out there was till wondering about where that name came from (unlikely, since I alone brought it up in the first place) here ya go: It’s a mash up of Delia Derbyshire, electronic music pioneer best known for recording the original Doctor Who theme, and Jean Michel Jarre, who’s album Oxygène is one of the foundational works of modern electronic music. Spacy, electronic noises, good place to get a name for a mad scientist, eh? Eh? …yeah, you don’t care. Also, just ‘cos I can, here’s a picture of Jenna being adorable. And, as always, VOTING INCENTIVE!
(Historical Notes: …aaaaaaaaand now we’re back to utterly wasting a background TV screen. Why “BEACH,” Past Me? I don’t get it. You could have at least done a “Bleak Landscapes” there instead.)
Y’know, Jenna, you could just go with him. You don’t have to always be passive.
Ok, sorry, forgot who I was talking to, yes you do.