You probably wouldn’t know it by looking, but the thing I worked hardest on for this page was Trigger’s expression in the last panel. It’s just a perfect encapsulation of how I view the character: innocent, guileless, and utterly oblivious to the funny looks he’s getting. And THAT’S how I justify two completely irrelevant meta-jokes in as many weeks. HA!

Well, as always, NEW VOTING INCENTIVE! Go look, ‘cos this is the grand finale (such as it is) of the Trigger and Layla Photo Album! Stay tuned for exciting future developments!

(Historical Notes: …and this is why this particular entry in my Big Book I’m Too Stupid To Blah Blah Blah is so big, because I kept hammering the point home.  Also, despite all the big color backgrounds, this page actually DIDN’T need any post-SmackJeeves re-doing.  The second half of that rant is still to come.  Weird.)