Okay, so lame news everybody. You know how I made such a big deal about the end of the Voting Incentive series Tuesday? You know how logic would dictate that I’d be making an announcement about the new series today? Well, uh, here’s the thing: as you read this, I’ll have been at Otakon for about a day, and as I WRITE this (a week in advance) I have no idea what, if any, internet access I’ll have at the hotel. Thus, there’s probably no new Voting Incentive at all, and thus no announcement. Tune in next week for the real deal (VOTE ANYWAY, THOUGH!)

As for the page, I like it, but I also have some nitpicky concerns (big surprise). As nice as it is to finally have Jenna and Layla interacting, it kind of feels like a missed opportunity to have it happen while Layla’s so deep in her “Kevin’s AWESOME!” act. I’d love to see how the feisty, willful, normal Layla and the resigned, submissive Jenna would bounce off each other.

Also, I can’t help fearing that this page comes off as more of an insult to Kevin than intended. Granted, Kevin usually deserves whatever insults are hurled at him, but Jenna’s one of the few people who wouldn’t think of it. She’s just legitimately curious, that’s all (Also, as Page 320 demonstrates, Layla’s technically not lying here!)