Okay that’s it. Trigger has officially become Far Out There’s resident Innocent Fanservice Boy. Can’t take you anywhere, child, can we?

Also, totally obsessive nitpicking point: did anyone ever wonder how the heck everyone managed to see in those air ducks in the last arc, even though there clearly wasn’t any source of light in there? No. No you didn’t. NOBODY wonders about things like that, because it’s the sort of thing that just happens in order for the story to progress… but that’s what we have Nitpickers for: fussing about things that no one else cares about. Thus, the random crawl spaces on board The Exposition have handy-dandy rows of lights all over them. YAY!

But enough of my rambling. NEW VOTING INCENTIVE! And once again, the current series is just about up, so please go to the forum and voice an opinion on what the next one will be!

(Historical Notes: Something VERY weird is going on with Trigger’s proportions… or perspective… or both.  I’m not even sure what exactness’s going on here, but it’s really distracting me.)