Man, I’m on a retcon spree right now. Hot on the heals of complaining about Layla’s earliest appearances (which Stonefoot had some interesting comments about, by the way), readers with sharp memories may notice something a little different in the way people are talking about Avatar here. Back on Page 204, Tabitha seemed to know all about who and what Avatar was, like it was common knowledge. Here, on the other hand, we hear some folks who seem to regard her as more of an urban legend. It’s not a huge thing (Technically, Tabitha never claims that Avatar’s existence is common knowledge), but I wanted there to be some more ambiguity about the specifics of Avatar’s creation because… well, you’ll just have to wait and see! DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUUUN!!!

Oh, and once again, there’s a funky old doodle waiting for those of you who vote. Check out a rather questionable fashion choice that ended up being rejected.