First off, FAR OUT THERE TURNED THREE YEARS OLD MONDAY! So, if you missed it, go check out the special extra page!

Aside from that, not much else to say… or not many brain cells left to say them with. I’m still scrambling like mad to get Friday’s page ready to go up while I’m off at Kastucon, is is partially why this page is so simplistic. But hey, look! Megaweapon’s back!

Oh, one other thing: Last week’s voting incentive made me feel really bad for poor Layla, enough so that I went ahead and drew a “sequel” picture as soon as the first one was scanned. Hopefully this’ll make her feel a little better. (Vote now to see!)

(Historical Notes: I’ve mostly avoided commenting on any re-editing of the pages itself, but I had to go back and re-scale this one  from the original because of how gross and blurry the SmackJeeves posting looked.  In case you missed me saying so earlier, I’ve been trying to stick to using the SmackJeeves versions of the pages, not only because I’ve consistently been too lazy to unprofessional to actually save the web-sized pages and this is faster than re-scaling every page from scratch, but also because I’ve been SUPER unprofessional and would often only fix typos or other errors on the little versions, and leave the “master” copies all full of errors.  I ABSOLUTELY would not notice and accidentally post the typo’d versions all over again.)