Just in case anyone forgot, the incident Tabitha’s referring to happened back in page 255.

Upon reflection, I’m surprised we’ve gotten this far into the comic without MORE spontaneous Avatar hugs. Frankly, you’d think it’d be an everyday occurrence for her. The rest of the cast must possess far deeper reservoirs of self-control than us mere mortals.

Speaking of things that are impossibly, irresistibly adorable, Bridget and Alphonse continue to steal any scene they’re in. We’ve seen Alphonse get jealous over Tabitha’s affections once before, but Bridget’s embarrassment is new and awesome. If she could talk, she’d totally be going “MOOOOOOOOOOM! People are LOOKING!”

Oh, and the though occurs that I should probably keep mentioning that there’s an incentive picture when you vote for Far Out There on Top WebComics. Yeah, it’s still the same picture it was Tuesday, but some of you might not have seen it yet. And some of you might want to see it again before it gets swapped out again next week. The point is, VOTING IS GOOD!