First off, hello to anybody who’s just stumbled onto this comic after hearing about it at Animazement! I’m writing this note several days in advance, so I have no idea who you might be, but I will venture to guess that at least two of you are alien bounty hunters, and another one of you is Andy Sandberg. That seems like a safe bet to me.

Moving on, I really like the interesting twists that Tabitha’s personality has been taking lately. When we met her, she was most defiantly against all things mad science-ish, all goody two-shoes and such. The more out of control this situation gets, though, the more hints we’re seeing that at least a LITTLE bit of her Dad’s sociopathic ways might have rubbed off on her. It is WAY fun to play around with.

(Historical Notes: Again, I must stress that I DON’T consider this sort of activity as being out of character for Tabitha, we just haven’t seen her in a situation that would warrant it in a long time.)