Yeah, I know, this is a kinda anti-climactic way to end a page, but after all that complaining I did about Friday’s page, you’d better believe I’m giving this week’s material room to breathe. I guarantee, though, you will NOT guess how this pays off!

Also, the Nitpicker in me insisted on that second panel. Because, you know, the world would collapse if I didn’t IMMEDIATELY give a reason why people still use spaceships when site-to-site wormhole guns exist. The Internet wouldn’t stand for such plot holes! It would be CHAOS, I tell you!

EDIT: Aww crud. Once AGAIN I’ve forgotten to finish a voting incentive. Hold on, I’ll have it up in an hour or two…

EDIT EDIT: Dang, putting things off ’till the last minute really works out well for these incentive. This is another one that turned out VERY well… surprisingly so, in fact. To be honest, I’ve been in a pretty crappy mood all day, so I’m a bit surprised to have drawn something so cheerful. Vote to see what I mean!

(Historical Notes: Even with the throwaway “Oh, it’s too dangerous to use normally” line to justify things, the whole Instantly Teleporting Wormholes thing has never felt like a very natural fit for the Far Out There universe.  Since we normally see our main cast puttering around on a ship that takes time to get from one point to another, it just feels like that’s how EVERYONE should get from point A to point B.  I mean, why wouldn’t Mariska use something like this to catch up with her runaways instantly, if that were an option?  Sure, there’s plenty of technobabble ways we could explain it away, but from a narrative standpoint I don’t like that we NEED to explain it.  So don’t expect to see stuff like this used again, at least not outside of a silly joke.)