Pointless continuity time: Bridget, Alphonse, and Avatar are trying to get to the same storage room where Dr. Vanderslice took Layla way back in the dark ages. Now, we’ve already seen that the air ducts that run through those halls are the same ones Trigger was crawling around in while looking for Skye, so I had to remember to cover the walls with frost again. Yes, I’m a stickler for this sort of thing.

Actually, I’m glad of it. Since we’d already seen that the halls in this part of the convention center are pretty dark, I couldn’t get away with leaving any panels with empty, white voids for backgrounds. Yes, it’s faster, but I think this page looks MUCH better than the past few weeks have.

Oh, and if you haven’t been voting for Far Out There on the webcomic counter/button/things, SHAME ON YOU! You’d bets get on that, because I’ll be changing the Top Web Comic incentive art in a few days. If you want to see what the current picture is, you need to vote NOW! (and remember, you’re allowed to vote every day!)