Man, after doing so many rooms with solid white walls, this page was a JARRING change of pace. The effect turned out pretty nice though, I think, anyway. Truth be told I kind of skimped on a number of details I’d have liked to spruce up (how often to I say that, really?), but I’m kind of working on a tight schedule right now. Animazement is this weekend, so I’ve got to get all my webcomic pimping materials AND Friday’s comic finished by Wednesday night. Figures that’s the kind of situation where I’d decide to drastically revamp a page at the last minute (but that’s a rant to read on the Forum)

Speaking of anime conventions, keep an eye on my other comic Conventional Wisdom during the next week or two; I should have a pretty big update concerning my exploits this coming weekend

Finally, since I still feel kind of funny not listing cameos down here, let me just mention that the “Gizmonic P25” is a little in-joke for all you MST3k fans. Enjoy!