This page kind of worried me. On the one hand, I couldn’t get it done before Anime USA, meaning that I had to pound it out while still trying to recover from the con. More importantly, though, I REALLY liked the rough draft and was afraid that the final version wouldn’t turn out as good. Thankfully, this one turned out even BETTER than the rough. I simply ADORE Layla in this page. The expressions were a delight to draw, and I love playing around with her personality like this. She’s been such a grouch since everything went icky that it would have been out of character if she didn’t mock the very notion of a bunch of kids trying to save the day. Yet, at the same time, it would have been out of character for her to let Trigger go without saying SOMETHING nice. I think the result is the neatest interaction the two have had in a while.

But enough fawning over my own stuff, there’s some news to cover. If all goes well, there’s going to be another special, holiday bonus page this Thursday. I say “if” because I’ve also got a big giant update on Conventional Wisdom to do before the week is out (Oh yeah, check that out, please!)AND I need to draw up rough drafts of the next few weeks of THIS comic. Well, just keep tuning in to see what’s up, ‘kay? Cool.

(Historical Notes: If anything, it’s become slightly out of character that Layla is so begrudging in her niceness to Trigger here.  I guess we can chalk it up to what a lousy day she’s had so far, but under most circumstances, we’d normally expect her to be much more openly protective of the little guy.)