I love the look on Kiki’s face when Layla speaks up. Methinks Ichabod can identify with what she’s thinking.

Well, the last panel was kind of frustrating. I really WANTED to have a vast, panoramic view of destruction and chaos visible in the door behind Layla. Unfortunately, it’s already been established that there’s a hallway outside that door, so all you should be able to see is a wall. Thus, the rough draft of this page had that wall broken down, and all the chaos visible behind it. The problem with that didn’t occur to me until right before inking: if these robots are strong enough to break walls down, they should be able to break AROUND the no-bad-robot field on the door! Obviously, Ichabod would never forgive me if I let something like that slide, so I had to whip up a rambunctious crowd of robots on the fly.