You know, it just dawned on me that there’s a LOT of FOT-related stuff I’ve been meaning to get started on. Halloween’s coming up, and I’ve got a mildly interesting idea for a special holiday-themed comic. Speaking of holiday themed, I also want to do another big, huge string of Christmas comics this year, which I’d need to get started on now if they’re gonna get done on time. On top of that, there’s another little promotional gimmick that I don’t want to mention until it’s closer to completion, but it’s not started either. AND there’s the long-talked about, still-not-completed overhaul of the actual site (the cast page is HOW out of date?) AND ALSO there’s the looming Page 200 that really need to be celebrated properly… for someone who contribute nothing meaningful to society, I sure manage to keep busy, huh?

Oh hey, thanks to the good folks at Yen Press, I rediscovered the joy that is Yotsuba&! last weekend. That definitely informed Layla’s… rather emotive expressions today.

EDIT: For once, I’m actually GLAD I’m chronically incapable of sleep, otherwise I wouldn’t have noticed this as early as I did. Somehow, I managed to finish this page and load it without that robot’s line in the second panel, even though it’s possibly my favorite part in the whole thing. Well, it’s there now, so enjoy!

(Historical Notes; Oh yeah, there was once a point in my life where I didn’t just stay awake too long as a matter of grim necessity, I really COULDN’T fall asleep very easily.  Boy, THOSE days sure are long gone.)