Yeah, you were probably expecting to actually see Layla and Tabitha go wandering around the convention, looking for their respective lost boys, having humorous encounters with the local mad scientists. Right? I mean, why not? That sounds like it could be pretty funny, doesn’t it? Well, I would agree, if this was four months ago. However, I’m of the opinion that this story’s been dragging out the foreshadowing and establishing and whatever long enough. You know who the characters are, you know what the situation is, let’s have some stuff freaking HAPPEN already!

If nothing else, I personally could REALLY use some payoff to get me more excited about drawing these things. It took FOREVER to get this page drawn, just because I was constantly finding other things to be distracted by (like, say, the most-definitely-unauthorized collection of Alan Moore’s Miracleman that I’ve been devouring the past few days)

(Historical Notes: Meh, I don’t think there’s really that much I could have done with Layla and Tabitha wandering around the convention that hadn’t already been done at this point.  Even looking at it purely from a “what’d be funny at this specific moment” standpoint, I think it was high time to move on to the next state of affairs.)