Page 131 – Another Thoroughly Embarrassed Teen
For the record, Mercury, Sulfur and Salt are the “tria prima:” the broad spiritual principles Paracelsus said were even more foundational that the four elements of Air, Fire, Earth, and Water (thank you Wikipedia!)
Also for the record, I did NOT forget to color Dr. Caligari’s hair in, it’s on purpose. I’m giving new characters an extra splash of color on their first appearance, since I’m too lazy to add full-color profile pics to the Cast page every time someone shows up.
Speaking of characters, I kind of bit off more than I could chew again with the cameos, but MOST of them turned out alright:
In the first panel, with the OTHER blue hair, is none other than Aeren, Goddess of Death from BlkKnight’s Crossing Death
The box with a hat in the third panel is actually Robo-Cube and The Hat from Stickman and Cube by Pieguy259
In the MIDDLE of that panel, dragging a crate, is Cade from amanda’s Salt the Holly
…and at the BOTTOM of that panel is Omega Justice‘s Kazu Fukushi by fukujinzuke
Now, this is where I started trying too hard to cram characters into this page. If you squint REALLY hard, you’ll see:
On the left side of the desk, So It Begins from the Mad Scientist Wars
…and on the right side, Lindsay from dueeast’s… um… Due East
Don’t worry, I PROMISE that the next batch of cameos won’t be so tiny that they defeat the whole purpose.
(Historical Notes: Well, more of the links actually work this time. They’re all discontinued works, but at least more than one of them sill exists online. And yes, we obviously have one of the more momentous debuts since the comic started. Tabitha’s got a while to go before she’s fully worked out, both in personality and appearance, but this is where it all starts!)
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