I, um, may have gone a little bit overboard on the art for this one.  See, this is what happens when I push a page concept back a week and have extra time to think about it.  Stuff starts to go a little overboard.  By the way, though, if you can make it out through all the mess, there’s actually multiple little references to previous Far Out There foodstuffs in that pile.  Let’s see how many of them are actually intelligible!

Anyway, we’re really coming up on the home stretch of prep for the yearly Big Splurge Of Holiday Comics… which I’m just gonna confess right now I am WAY behind schedule on.  So just as fair warning over the next few weeks: TWC Voting Incentives MIGHT randomly go on hiatus again with minimal warning.  I don’t want to, especially during December itself since I want there to be SOMETHING non-Christmas going up, but there’s also only so much time in the day, and more and more of it keeps running out.  So I guess we’ll just have to play it on a week by week basis, at least through the rest of November.  Let’s see what happens!

EDIT: TWC Voting Incentive is up!  I literally had gone to bed and had to get back up when I remembered this wasn’t done yet.