Confession time: this was NOT supposed to be the page for this week.  I’d started drawing something entirely different, but realized halfway through that I’d botched something significantly enough that the entire page needed to be started over from scratch.  Not only did pivoting over to something less complicated fit better into the time that was left, but… well, you know how it is.  There’s just something having to do that thing you were just doing over AGAIN that simply ain’t good for the brain, so I needed to go do something, ANYTHING else at that point.  Speaking of doing anything else, this is all after I’d ALREADY backed myself into a bit of a corner by blowing too much of last week cranking out multiple Conventional Wisdom pages to try and capitalize on the post-con window of interest.  And don’t even get me STARTED on the whole “surprise hard drive failure” thing that I’m still in the process of cleaning up after.

Okay, venting over.  Time for the good news.  I’m not going on the road again for the rest of the year, and the scramble to get extra Conventional Wisdom done is mostly passed by this point, so I SHOULD be able to stick to a more regular schedule of putting stuff out for the rest of the month.  Which mean the ACTUAL return of Voting incentives!  For real this time!  Seriously!