page 1291 – The Devastating Art of Shimmy
This page would absolutely be a lot funnier if I were a clever enough artist to communicate Stilez somehow smooshing up against the wall we’re viewing this through. That, or if there were audible “squeezing” sound effects. Like two balloon rubbing against each other, that sort of thing. Those sounds are funny.
Very good chance of there not being a TWC Incentive this Friday, I’m afraid. The end of the month REALLY snuck up on me this time, and I’m pretty distracted at the moment trying to juggle a looming website hosting price increase AND a sudden dental emergency hitting at the exact same time …and that time being when I’ve got another convention trip in just a few weeks. Life is really good at taking things that are totally manageable on their own and throwing them at you very much NOT on their own, huh?
I think they forgot that she’s a cat, and cats are like octopi – they fit everywhere.
I feel like that’s the Cap’n speaking, and didn’t notice that, despite how tall and strong Stillez is, her proportions are thin and mobile. Basically, if Stillez can get her head in somewhere, and it’s long enough to hold her body, she can easily fit inside.
Bioengineered flexible cartilage-like skeletal system allows her to compress herself to squeeze into spaces smaller than she otherwise would fit, and also absorbs battle-related impacts without breaking. Either that, or it’s just that, as noted in other situations previously, she works on the principles of cartoon physics, which allow anyone to squeeze in anywhere as needed (Although they often emerge shaped like the thing they squeezed into). Or both.
In this case she squeezed into a long, straight pipe. Stillez’s default form can be argued to have the same shape as a long, straight pipe. Thus no shapeshifting is needed in this instance.
The REAL question, as with all Far Out There characters, should be how the fact that Stilez’s head is, proportionally speaking, two or three times too big factors into her fitting into anything.
If Trigger’s head can fit somewhere, then there’s no reason to question if Stillez’s head can fit there. Also, this pipe is big enough to fit the entirety of Tax while she’s being held in a seated position, it’s big enough for Stilez’s head.
leads to the question how much of stilez’s face is poofy fur? trigger can get in anywhere because by volume he is mostly hair. stilez may seem to big to get in somewhere but as long as the fur gives she is fine
Stilez with wet fur:
After just having had an entire swimming pool dumped on her, this should be her correct size without any poofiness.
Some sounds make my skin crawl. The sound of two balloons rubbing together makes the roots of my teeth crawl. Funny? NU-UHH!
I’m weirdly comforted by the fact that there’s other people out there who register particularly unpleasant sounds in their TEETH for some reason (For me, it’s metal scraping against other metal that hits me that deep)
For me it’s cotton balls tearing. *shiver* I hate it so much just thinking about it was a mistake.
Cotton balls make noise when tearing?? You must have really good hearing! 😀
(or I have really bad hearing, which is entirely possible…)