Me, drawing the art for this page: “Man, why do I keep making the labels and fine print on these things so big?  That makes the goofy fine print way too obvious and ruins the joke!  I gotta make all that text smaller!”

Me, scaling everything down to proper page size: “OOOOoooooh, right.  THAT’S why the text needed to be so much bigger than it felt like it did.”

And the worst part is, even if you do pull some kind of resolution miracle and manage to read all the now-tiny text, it probably won’t be funny enough to justify the effort.  Save yourself the eye strain.

…for the record, though, I HAD thought about having “Trigger was here” scribbled into a corner to reference him crawling around the ship’s various nooks and crannies, but then I remembered that all his sabotage training would have specifically conditioned him to NOT leave any trace of where he’d been.  So no graffiti.

9/21 EDIT: New TWC Voting Incentive is up!