Page 129 – Welcome To The Party!
*yawn* Man, this is the worst all-nighter I’ve had to pull for a WHILE. Can’t imagine why
Anyway, we’ve got something important to get to here: IT’S THE FIRST PAGE OF THE FAR OUT THERE CAMEO FEST!!! And there’s a TON of faces to point out in this one, too, so let’s get at it!
To the left of Rev. Bonfire, with the Freakazoid hair, is Placard Pete from Confusedsoul’s Mildly Mundane
Fluttering right above him is Penny from Crossing Death by BlkKnight
The fellow in the red jacket, just to the left of Layla, is Andrew Tinker from The Mad Scientist Wars
…and right next to HIM, in the top hat, is EXCLAMATORY MAN! from Mystery Bread by Niccea and Ochitsukanai
The big dragon above Ichabod is Nervagor, an original character created by Robin Firedrake
Down between Trigger and Ichabod, in the red cloak, is Elizabeth Wulf from Niccea’s Red and White
Finally, right of Ichabod with the big gun, is Lt. Luke Johnson from Omega Justice by Fukujinzuke
(Historical Note: I’m finally getting around to doublechecking all the old links, which even back in the SmackJeeves transfer I was reluctant to do for fear that a lot of them would be dead. And yeah, a LOT of these are either completely gone now or haven’t been active in years. I guess this means I “won”?)
For the record, it was NOT smart to try and cram that many characters into this page OR start with a crowd scene. Future pages will only have two or three cameos a piece, but they’ll be much easier to see than these were.
Also, they’re not really CAMEOS, but this page also features the “danger” symbol from Digimon Tamers, Gigantor, The Satellite of Love from Mystery Science Theater 3000, and the infamous Masegentes Genocide Pie from page 53!
Nice to see these as actual links here. When I read this page on SmackJeeves several days ago, they were rendered as raw html which made it hard to even pick out the names of the webcomics.
Yeah, that’s just one of the many things I don’t understand about the SmackJeeves re-vamp. I mean, I guess the don’t want links in comments as an anti-spam measure, but still…
I only just realized it’s a genocide pie on the banner. Hah!
The Genocide Pie isn’t ON the “banner”. Just like the Nuclear Warhead isn’t on the “banner”, or whatever that half-covered flat surface we can also see that’s facing away from where we’re looking. They’re all hanging independently in front of what’s probably actually television screens. You can see the strings attaching them to the ceiling, despite there probably being forcefields that could produce the same effect more impressively for an obnoxiously high running and rental costs as well as a greater chance of failure.
The associated costs are likely the reason for the use of string to hold them in the air, over the chance of failure.
They actually are hovering there using expensive, dangerous, and unreliable force field generator tech. Being Mad Scientists, they insisted on using the expensive, dangerous, unreliable option that was more sciencey. Unfortunately, they were so inefficent that the power requirements prevented there from being a battery powered option available. Those are the plug-in electrical cords.
Even back in the day, I was trying to make running gags happen! 🙂