First off, apologies to anybody who glanced at a Far Out There flyer during Animazement and are checking to see what that was all about.  It’s usually not so rough draft-ish, I promise.

And even BIGGER apologies to the regular readers for going back to the old “post the line art to buy time” maneuver again.  Obviously, I COMPLETELY failed to get any work on this week’s page done before the convention, and since I really needed to get at least one page of Conventional Wisdom finished and online while Animazement buzz was still high, that just meant I was starting even later.  Seriously, I didn’t even finish penciling this page until around 3am.  Actually, I was close to just slapping a “gonna be late” message onto the comments of the previous page, but I REEEEAAAAALLY hate doing that.  Plus, thankfully, this is one of those pages where most of the editing will just be a matter of cleaning up lines and coloring stuff in, not adding any plot-relevant details, so it still works in rough form.

And more importantly, this means that if anybody new DOES wander over and checkout the comic for the first time, they get introduced to both Stilez and Avatar right away!

No, but seriously: I’ll have a polished up, fully-colored and edited version of this page either later today or early tomorrow, depending on how much of a nap I have to take.  After that, I’m HOPING to finally get back on the fresh Top WebComic Voting Incentive wagon again, but I’m ALSO hoping to squeeze in a bit more Patreon stuff before the end of the month, so we’ll just have to see if one eats up the time of the other.  And, of course, that’s all while ALSO trying to get as much Animazement Conventional Wisdom stuff done as possible… I think I’m gonna go ahead and take that nap right now…

EDIT: Okay, polished up version is done.  Here’s the original if anybody’s morbidly curious.  Now, let’s see how much ELSE I can get done in the next few days…

6/1 EDIT: SUCCESS!!!  There’s FINALLY a new TWC incentive up, PLUS new Patreon content!  I really CAN get stuff done when I literally do nothing else!