Okay, remember last week when I said I was a little disappointed that the page didn’t have more detail to it, but my common sense kicked in and told me it’d be a waste of time and energy?  Well, obviously my common sense was taking a nap this time around, because WOW I got way too into the bells and whistles of this page.  Somewhere between that meaningless sprawl of futuristic displays and the backwards transparent warning hologram and that… THING in the second panel, I really should have taken a step back and just asked myself what the heck I was doing.  Then again, I didn’t wind up having to cover up too much with the speech bubbles, and that’s always the MAIN fear in getting too into the background details.

Speaking of time management, just a precautionary heads up: there’s a chance I MIGHT end up being on the road for most of the coming weekend, which MIGHT throw updates into a bit of a state of confusion.  Depending on how things shake up, I might need to either scramble to get stuff finished a little ahead of schedule (which might interfere with me getting a new Voting Incentive done) or just push next week’s update back a bit (which might interfere with the FOLLOWING Voting Incentive) …or I might not end up going anywhere at all.  It’s still kinda up in the air.  One way or another, I’ll let ya’ll know what’s up when I do.

EDIT: New TWC Voting Incentive is up!