There’s a delicate balancing act in depicting Grumpy Layla and Happy Layla, especially where her relationships with others are concerned.  I still don’t think I have that act down yet.

Okay, so here’s the schedule for the coming weeks, as much so I can see myself writing it out in front of me as it is for other people to read: Obviously, we have page 1251 going up today.  On Thursday Nov 24th, we’ll have a special extra page for Thanksgiving.  On Friday Nov 25th, there’ll be a new TWC Voting Incentive.  NEXT Tuesday, the 28th, will be page 1252, the last regular page for a while.  Next Thursday will be Dec 1st, which means the start of another twenty-five days of Christmas comics! …and then another new Voting Incentive will go up on the 2nd.  I’m, uh, gonna be a bit busy over the next few days, huh?  Don’t worry, I’ve gotten a decent head start on the Christmas stuff already, so HOPEFULLY I’ll have the bulk of it done before the 1st.  Obviously, I’d LIKE to have the whole thing done by then, but just as long as I’m over half-way there, it’ll be manageable.

OH!  And just as a heads up, I’ll also have some free Far Out There Christmas stuff going up on Patreon across December too, so be sure to keep an eye out for alerts on that!