What, you thought we were gonna see Avi dressing Hiro up in something weird? Oh, that’d be far too simple… and also I’m constantly having to remind myself to have characters making appearances more often, lest I wake up and realize we just haven’t seen somebody in months.  I continue to still not be used to only one page a week.  (Besides, it’s not like there’s anybody who WOULDN’T rather see Tabitha & The Kids instead of Avi)

Speaking of which, some early-bird housekeeping:  Halloween this year is on a Monday, which means the yearly special comic will land on the regular update day.  Obviously, I don’t like having an extra comic replace the normal page, so that’ll also go up on Tuesday November 1st.  Why am I bringing this up so many weeks in advance?  Well, I’m strongly considering having that be my excuse to bump Far Out There’s regular update day back to Tuesday permanently.  More and more, getting a page ready to go up on Monday has make things pretty inconvenient over the weekend, so giving myself an extra day’s breathing room would probably help me out a lot on Saturday and Sunday.  What’s more, we could look at this as me inching my way back to the OLD update schedule!

And as long as I’m taking care of business, some more random update/site stuff.  Sorry the new TWC didn’t work display properly for a while there.  If you tried to see it on Thursday and just got the previous week’s picture, it’s showing the right one now.  Make sure you go vote and see it before it gets swapped out again!  And speaking of Top WebComics, I’m getting back in the groove of re-posting pages of The Killer Station of Deadly Doom over on the Incentive Gallery (click here to pick up where I last left off).  Who wants to star taking bets on whether or not I’ll still be chipping away at that in 2023?  Finally, just as a general advertisement, I’ve been posting some extra Halloween-related content over on Patreon.  This stuff’s a totally free bonus that even non-patrons can access (though if it compels you to throw a buck or two my way, feel free to do so!)

EDIT: New TWC Voting Incentive is up, and things got… weird.