Oh, hey did we mention that Layla really likes meat? It’s such an obscure detail that gets brought up so rarely that I need to subtly remind everyone that Layla is the most aggressive carnivore on this ship.  And this is serious business.  Oh, and also Marshall has succeeded in identifying a shared interest with Layla in a way that the other boys haven’t come close to since they arrived.  But that’s clearly the less important detail here.

Also, thank GOD this is a futuristic science fiction comic and I could fall back on silly technobabble to hide the fact that I don’t know or care about the specific details that separate good cooking and bad cooking.

EDIT: I feel lame about it, but I’ve finally gotta break the streak of consistent Voting Incentives again.  Between finishing up a bunch of stuff I needed to get done before the end of the month and getting a head of start on stuff that needs to be done for NEXT month, I’m really in the weeds right now.  The Voting Incentive is basically the one thing I can afford to put on the back burner right now, and by the time all this other stuff is done, I’ll be needing to focus on page 1244, so it’s just not getting done this week.  Drat.