We know Layla means business because now she’s in her business suit.  Layla business suit includes very tiny shorts.  What?  If I was rich and important and had business meetings to go to, I’d TOTALLY wear tiny shorts.  It’s a total power move.

No, but seriously, she’s had this conversation with them more than once.  Or, at least, she’d had this conversation with Avi.

Anyway, I ACTUALLY GOT A PAGE DONE ON TIME FOR ONCE!  It sure is a lot easier to avoid falling behind when the whole comic is mostly just one single piece of character art.  Honestly, though, it is kind of miraculous this ISN’T late, because I’ve been trying to get a head start on some Halloween stuff for Patreon, and HOLY CRAP that threw off all my work flow last week.  Oh, also, speaking of Patreon, I keep forgetting to remind people that there’s more Far Out There stuff going up there too!  The next page in the latest, patron-written MadLib comic should be posted later this week, so be sure to keep checking for that!

EDIT: New TWC Incentive is up!