Not gonna lie, this page largely exist just because I hadn’t gotten a chance to draw a weird spaceship in a while and lust wanted an excuse to cut away to a scene that’d give me the excuse.  Hi there, bleak landscapes!  Well, okay, the plan was ALSO to drop a few teases about future events, though the final draft of the page went through enough rewrites that a lot of those call-forwards wound up getting dropped.  I dunno, for some reason I just couldn’t stop hearing these two schmucks as a pair of Regular Joes, and giving them dialog stuffed with technobabble and scifi names just wasn’t working for me.  And, of course, for everyone ELSE, it all would have just sounded like gibberish anyway, so whatever.  There IS a thing or two left here that’ll seem a lot more important in retrospect, but only, like, a loooot later.

But yeah, just in case you all forgot, consider this your reminder that, not only is The Exposition quarantining itself from everybody else while Stilez is on board (in theory, at least) but also Cap’n Crosby is constantly having to remind any nearby ships of that fact.  Also, a reminder that Tabitha made a bit of a mess on her way over.

Finally, I managed to get the TWC Voting Incentive finished way ahead of time and actually posted on Thursday last week, and this week’s is already drawn, so there’s a pretty good chance of a repeat performance this week… just in time for the series to end!  That’s right, the next Incentive will be the last Young Mariska & Ichabod Adventure.  I’ve FINALLY exhausted my list of silly titles, and considering that I wrote all those back during THANKSGIVING, that’s a pretty impressive run.  I’ve already got an idea for the next incentive series, but you’re obviously gonna have to wait a bit to hear more about that.

(EDIT: OKAY!  That last TWC Voting Incentive is officially up, so go see what that is AND eagerly anticipate what the next series will be!  And speaking of going and seeing things, I really need to be better about reminding people to go check out my Patreon!  There’s a big ol’ Far Out There blog post that just went up about one of my favorite April Fools pages, so that oughta be of interest to people.  Oh, and guess what?  I’M FINALLY REPOSTING MORE OF THE KILLER STATION OF DEADLY DOOM!  For real!  Right now!  It’s going up on the Incentive & Patreon Gallery as you read this!  Maybe!  I dunno when you’ll actually be reading this!)