What’s this?  A Sunday night update?  What madness has disrupted the very fabric of space and time?  THE HOLIDAYS, THAT’S WHAT!  I’ve already told you guys about I was moving my whole schedule around to facilitate getting as much Christmas stuff done as possible, but I neglected to mention that there’s a whole separate holiday throwing me off.  I’m gonna be spending a whole week away visiting relatives for Thanksgiving, which obviously means I needed to get an extra page finished to cover my absence… and also a special page to go up on Thanksgiving day itself… and also get THIS week’s base done early so I could even get started on the other stuff… AND ALSO get the following page finished too, so that I won’t have to jump straight into working on it when I get back.  I’ve got plenty of OTHER things I need to jump straight into, darn it!

But obviously, the fact that I’m posting this page at all means things are getting done.  Not only was this page actually finished days ago, but I’ve ALSO got the extra Thanksgiving page AND page 1203 finished and ready to load up as soon as I post this page.  Better yet, I’ve got over half the Christmas stuff ready too, so there’s more than enough breathing room to focus on page 1204 before I leave.  IT’S A PRE-THANKSGIVING MIRACLE!

But enough about that, I still need to say SOMETHING about this comic itself.  To reiterate what I said last time, I’ve drastically re-jiggered some plans to make sure certain characters get at least a LITTLE more screentime before the Christmas break.  I’m sure long-time readers will agree that the past year has suffered from an absolutely SHAMEFUL lack of Avatar.  Heck, anybody who only just stumbled onto the comic in the past few months would barely even know who she is.  Consider this page my meager attempt to right this awful wrong.