Yet another page I hashed together without any rough draft whatsoever. Ichabod needed SOME kind of retaliation, and my initial idea was for him to somehow beat the kids at their own game. The problem was, I couldn’t think of a way to have Ichabod do something like that and it not seem out of character. But hey, that just means he wouldn’t be very good at it, right?

Well, I’ve been DANGEROUSLY lazy the past few weeks, but hopefully things around here will change that. Not only is a big new story looming in the near future, but Far Out There’s first birthday is only a few weeks away as well! I’ve got a pretty nifty idea for celebrating this auspicious occasion that you should be hearing about shortly. Stay tuned!

(Historical Notes: It’s both adorable and sad to think there was a time when me plowing straight into a page without doing a rough draft first was unusual.  These days, I think one out of ever three Far Out There pages is either completely made up on the fly or deviates so heavily from the first take that it might as well be completely new.  That’s not to say that I don’t DO rough drafts anymore, I still try to plan things out.  I just take a lot more liberties with that plan than I did back in the day.  Far too often the best ideas turn out to be the random unplanned ones thrown in at the last minute.)