Does this page only exist on its own because I forgot to include a line in an earlier page where Mariska introduces herself to Layla and I only just now realized it?  Not quite… but that totally did happen.

So, time for some admin: Last week’s TWC Voting Incentive more or less wrapped up the whole “Tabitha’s Grounded” storyline.  There’ll still be one more coda of sorts going up this Thursday, and that’ll be the ACTUAL end of this series that took waaaaay longer than I ever expected.  Unfortunately, there’s going to be a bit of a break from new incentives for a while after this.  I know, I hate to do it AGAIN, but December is getting ever closer, and you’d better believe I’m planning to do another 25 days of Christmas comics.  You’d ALSO better believe that I haven’t gotten anywhere near as much of a head start on said comics as I’d hoped to by this point.  So no more Voting Incentives for the next month or so, and I’ll devote that extra time and energy to getting a backlog of Christmas material built up.  HOPEFULLY when December hits and I start posting the stuff, that’ll also be when a new Voting Incentive series starts back up, just so there’s something non-holiday related coming out.  Also, the last of Conventional Wisdom’s Queen City Anime Con comics will be going up in a day or two, meaning I’ll just be doing ConCONcon stuff for the rest of the year.  Hopefully that’ll also be less time consuming …he said, knowing full well that there’s still a bunch of extra QCAC comics to draw for Patreon.

Oh, and speaking of Patreon, I’m ALSO pretty close to wrapping up that extra Far Out There story that $5 patrons got to write for me via madlibs.  So if the TWC comics weren’t enough Tabitha for you, become a patron and see what’s been going on over there!  The two side stories actually wound up nicely mirroring each other in ways I never would have thought to do on my own.  And what’s more, once the madlib story wraps up, Jenna’s comic starts updating again!  Yay! (Oh, and there’s also a vote going on to decide what I do for weekly anime comics next, so any input I can get on that would be appreciated)

GAH, I ALMOST FORGOT!  On top of everything else, SUNDAY IS HALLOWEEN!  So don’t forget to check back here a day early for an extra comic …which actually IS already finished ahead of time, for once.  See?  I really CAN do it sometimes!

10/28 EDIT: New TWC Voting Incentive is up, officially wrapping up that series.  Appropriately enough, Far Out There is actually TWC’S NUMBER ONE as I post it!  WHEEE!