Hey, don’t knock it, Layla.  Trigger thinks that’s a perfectly valid way to enter a place.

So, I tried to establish earlier that these giant locker towers have outcroppings up top with various tools to both aid in arriving from above and also in reaching the shelves bellow… but as I fiddles around with perspectives and panel layouts, most of those details kinda disappeared.  But yeah, not EVERYBODY has a hoverpack on standby like Von Cannon apparently does.

Anyway, if case you missed it on Thursday, the new TWC Voting Incentive EVENTUALLY went up, but it was a bit of a scramble.  Yes, another side-project happened out of nowhere and threw all my time management out of whack.  I’m PRETTY sure that won’t happen this week, thankfully. …though speaking of side projects, anybody who likes those Weekly Anime Comics I do needs to get over to Patreon and vote on whether or not I keep on with Cardcaptor Sakura or start a new show in a few weeks.  Remember, $1 lets you read the comics several weeks early, $5 actually lets you get in on the voting process!

(10/21 EDIT: New Voting Incentive is up!  We’re almost done with this series!  I mean, we kinda actually ARE done at this point, but there’s still one more thing to come after this page.)