If there’s anybody who doesn’t need to hear about dramatic backstories, it’s Layla.

Okay, so one week after deciding to start doing new Voting Incentives on Thursday, I nearly forgot about it last week.  Goin’ great so far, huh?  Well, seeing as I’m only just now getting this page finished and online at around 5 in the evening, this week’s incentive probably would have wound up being a day or two late either way, so I’m still gonna stick with the “later in the week” set up.  Oh, and just as an extra reminded, not only are there still extra Far Out There comics coming out on Patreon, but we’re about due another special blog for $2+ patrons!  So keep an eye out for that soon, too!


9/26 EDIT: Just giving you guys prior warning, the new page is gonna be at least a day late.  Various distractions have conspired to get me started on the art even later than usual, and that’s even more of a problem than usual given what I’ve got planned for 1195.  So, just to avoid the scramble, I’m preemptively pushing the page back at least one full day.  So, sometime Tuesday, at the earliest.  Sorry!