Now hold on a sec, Ichabod.  You should be THANKFUL that Mariska’s been telling May you “used to” have a crush of Stilez.  Everybody else thinks that’s still a going concern!  Show a little gratitude!

So, anyway, I kind of messed myself up here.  I’m sorry to report there’s no new Voting Incentive today, and there probably won’t be for the next couple of weeks.  Since I’m gonna be on the road for a bit later this month, I’m trying to get a bit of a page buffer built up ahead of time to avoid falling behind… and of COURSE the very act of doing that is throwing me off bad enough that I’m already falling behind right now.  So, to try and improve time management a bit, I need to give myself one less thing to do, just for the next few weeks.  Hey, the LAST time Tabitha was riding around in that trolley thing, it took her over a year to get where she was going.  If her ride back only takes a few weeks, she should consider herself lucky!