Did I draw this whole page just so we’d have an excuse to see the back of Layla’s new jacket?  Not ENTIRELY, but I’d be lying if I pretended that wasn’t at least part of the motivation for how it turned out the way it did.  OFFICIALLY, though, this page exists because I needed to set up some subsequent stuff between Ichabod and May, with a side of this being the only chance in a while to show Layla and Ichabod bouncing off of each other.  More importantly, or at least of equal importance, I FINALLY GOT A PAGE DONE FOR MONDAY MORNING AGAIN!  Even without the lateness of the past few weeks, this feels like an extra triumph because the weekend turned out to be MUCH more time consuming than expected.  Hurrah for page that don’t feature characters covered in stripes I have to color in!

Unfortunately, I do have one bit of bad news.  In order to get this page up on time, I did NOT stop to draw a new TWC Voting Incentive, so that’s not up yet.  One IS coming, but I probably won’t have it ready until around Tuesday morning.  So be sure to come on back and check again, that series is close to wrapping up!

Oh, and one last thing.  If you’re not sure what Ichabod’s talking about, here’s a handy link back to a page that explains things.  Always gotta be looking for ways to squeeze a little extra web traffic outa folks, don’cha know.

(EDIT: THERE!  Incentive is up!)