See?  I TOLD you that even if I aimed to finish this page for Tuesday, it wouldn’t actually get done until Wednesday! …actually, as I look back on this page again just now, I realize there’s still a few details missing.  I might come back and swap out the image for an updated one at some point over the weekend, depending on how much time I have between other things.

But yeah, even a deluded egomaniac like Avi occasionally knows when he’s been beat… or more to the point, even HE can’t bring himself to be mad at Alphonse.  There are some things simply beyond the strength of mere mortals.  Speaking of Alphonse, though, I only just this week realized I’d been drawing him in the wrong outfit these past few pages.  Yes, even after all these weeks, there are STILL bits of continuity getting lost from the hiatus.  Good thing Trigger was carrying him for so much of those pages, that probably covered the lapse up most of the time.

So, are we gonna be back to Mondays next week? … I really have no idea.  I’m certainly gonna TRY to get page 1182 ready over the weekend, and that page is planed to have way fewer panels than this one, which’ll save time.  But then, there’s all this other stuff that got pushed back while I worked on this page, so I MIGHT end up splitting the difference and putting a page up on Tuesday.  I dunno, we’ll see.  In the meantime, there’s always new Voting Incentives to keep everybody occupied, not to mention more Patreon content.  Aside from the usual bonus comics, I just posted another Character Soundtrack blog for the $2+ crowd!  So be sure to go give that a look!