Oh man, THIS was a nice change of pace.  After the past couple of updates had me scrambling all through the night well through into the next day, this one was ALMOST completely ready to go at midnight.  The only reason it wasn’t was because I got distracted and nearly posted a copy of this page without any tails on the speech bubbles, so I had to go back and add all that in.  Kind of a dumb slip-up, but it’s nice to have the problem be that I’m getting AHEAD of myself for once.

And the impressive thing is that I actually did a TON of editing in post on this one.  As originally drawn, the layout of this page was completely different, but the panel arrangement wasn’t working that way.  It was one of those situations where re-editing the existing drawings to fit a different arrangement probably took longer than just re-drawing some stuff would have, but it’s always an even worse blow to morale to admit defeat like that.  And hey, even doing things the long way managed to wrap up ALMOST on time, so whatever, right?

Anyway, once again, there’s a new Voting Incentive up too, which is the REAL reason this update was way less labor intensive.  Oh, and speaking of intense labor, I’ve kind of been slacking off on the Far Out There Patreon comics lately, so I’ll just drop a heads up right now that there’s another Jenna comic in the pipeline.  It ought to be up in the next couple of days, so keep an eye out for that!