page 1163 – This plan is immediately going great
(Historical Notes: It’s odd to talk about anything being “subtle” in a page with this set of characters, but I like the subtle bit of storytelling in the lighting of the second panel. I know, I know, I like that kind of Red-to-Blue lighting anyway, but the way the shadows kick in around the boys does a good job of establishing a lot of moods all in a single glance. Not bad, Past Me!)
The one thing more terrifying to these boys than Mariska… May.
They aren’t so much terrified of Mariska as what Mariska represents. But May? They absolutely are straight up terrified of May herself.
What was it I said in the old comments?
Something like…
‘That smile needs to die in a fire, nothing good comes when May smiles, and action must be taken to rectify that situation if she ever does smile.’
Yeah the problem there was that I didn’t understand WHY I had that reaction and wound up gibberish like Lovecraft.
Though having seen the Christmas Wrestling series I understand that she is at best, a gremlin, and Definitely UP THERE in terms of personal malevolence.
Oh, but see, that’s just the thing: she’s ALWAYS smiling. (I mean, not actually, but most of the time)