(Historical Notes: YAY!  More blatant filler/stretching!  This is another set of pages where I reeeaaally wish I could find the original commentary, because I’d love to see what Past Me’s excuse was THIS time.  I can’t for the life of me remember what, if anything, was going on at this point for me to have used as an excuse, but I CAN say that this and the next few pages could easily have been condensed into a single comic without losing much.  I’ll admit that they do LOOK pretty nice, and there’s at least one subtle bit of visual storytelling across these pages, but I still can’t get over just how much this material is being streeeaaaaached.  Oh, and speaking of stretching, I think Past Me was trying to draw Hiro putting Avi into some kind of ankle lock… but forgot to actually draw Hiro in any way touching Avi’s ankle, just making this weird pose entirely pointless.  Honestly, that’s be totally in character for Hiro, but I can’t imagine it was on purpose.)