Those faces were waaaaaaay more fun to draw than they had any right to be.

Anyway, look! Another midnight update! And this one was loaded DAYS in advance! I should really have busy, distracting weekends gobble up my time more often. Paradoxically, the only time I ever seem to get work done is when I know I won’t have time to get work done. Anyway, yes, I’ll be busy with Animazement stuff by the time you read this, so hello anyone who stumbled onto this comic because you picked up one of those silly flyers! For the rest of you (well, for everyone, really, not sure why I tried to leave new readers out of this) there SHOULD be a new TWC Voting Incentive to continue that concept art series we started on Tuesday… assuming I’ve swapped out the old one by the time this page goes live. Since I’m commuting to Animazement from home instead of staying on site, there shouldn’t be the same update problems we usually have when I’m at a con, buuuuuuuut there’s always the chance that this thing will go live before I get around to changing stuff on TWC. Sadly, I’m VERY out of practice when it comes to automatic updates. If you still see the old incentive, just try again later. I promise there IS new art that’ll be up eventually.

(Historical Notes: Part of the comedy in this page is supposed to be that Layla is somewhat over-reacting here, but in all fairness, constantly eating has kind of been the primary Stilez joke for a while now, so it’s not THAT absurd a fear.)