She only wants to know for purely academic reasons! Honest!

So, I promised you all something extra today that was SUPPOSED to happen on Tuesday, and here it is: THE THIRD FAR OUT THERE MADLIB COMIC IS FINALLY AVAILABLE ON THE PUBLIC PATREON GALLERY! I know, it’s been a looong time since I did one, and even longer since I put one out for the general public, but it’s mainly because this most recent (ha) one turned out so incredibly long. I didn’t want to put this one out for casual readers until I had something else going for patrons, and of course I’ve been struggling with maintaining a steady schedule there for quite a while. But that’s the other good news: I’M FINALLY GONNA DO A NEW FAR OUT THERE MADLIB COMIC!

Okay, if you’ve only just started reading recently, you probably don’t know what I’m talking about. One of the perks I offered when I got started on Patreon was, every so often, I’d post a short comic plot summary with key words left blank, MadLib-style. The post would only be visible to people donating $5 or more, and anyone in that group could write a filled out version in the comments. Then I’d take the first/best/only response and actually draw it out in comic form. The IDEA was that they’d be four to six pages long. That last one was sixteen pages. You can see how there was a problem with the process. I think I’ve found some ways to reign myself in better this time, though, so I’m finally gonna offer to do a new one again… in a few days.

Let’s face it: I suck at the whole self-promoting thing, so it’s entirely possible there could be somebody reading Far Out There right now who didn’t even know I DID stuff like this through Patreon. Thus, I’m gonna give this little spiel the weekend to be seen by people (and also to spam the social media accounts a bit) and allow that big giant extra blast of content to entice people before making the Patreon post on Monday or Tuesday. If this sounds like something you want to get in on, start donating on Patreon! Anything over $5 a month lets you fill in the madlib, and even if you just want to read the eventual results without having to wait a year, donating just $1 a month still lets you read all comic posts right away. But come on, you know you wanna spring for the +$5 tier, right? You wanna make me draw a few extra pages staring that one Far Out There character you think I don’t show enough, right? C’mon! Buy the right to tell me what to do!

(Historical Notes: I hate to harp on all the non-comic-related commentary even further, but I DO feel rather bad that there’s actually a full set of brand new MadLib comics sitting unfinished right next to me as I write this.  I’ve been really REALLY focused on getting the last of these old comics re-posted before the comic’s next birthday, and an awful lot of stuff has been put on backburner in the past few weeks.  And this information will mean NOTHING to anyone reading this page in the future after the hiatus is over and those MadLib comics are up on Patreon.  And no, I have NO idea why Avatar would even have that, Past Me probably should have come up with a sight gag that’s just as weird without being so inexplicable.  Like… oh, I dunno, some apocalyptic-sounding black hole in a jar that has a big “great for sucking fleas off of your giant cat!” sticker on the side.  Something like that.  Heck, we could probably still have the Neva appearance if we tried hard enough.)