…aaaaand we’re back to normal, in more ways than one,seeing as how the day’s mostly over. I’d HOPED to get another TWC Voting Incentive done after the Christmas pages wrapped up, and then jump straight into getting this page done early… but BOY did that not happen. I literally slept through almost all of the 26th, and I still haven’t quite regained a normal sleep pattern after all that Christmas stuff. In fact, I stopped for a second to count everything up, and between the Far Out There comics, the remaining Conventional Wisdom stuff, and quite a bit of holiday-related extracurricular material, I’d drawn over SEVENTY PAGES of original content since the start of the month. Just typing that makes me tired all over again. So, yeah, that’s why I fell asleep in the middle of penciling things yesterday only just now managed to get the page up. If it happens again next week, I’ll be profoundly apologetic, but at the moment, a late update just feels like a normal and natural result of reality. And hey, at least I did manage to get a fresh Voting Incentive up for TODAY.

Anyway, can you imagine if I’d gotten my page count off by one and THIS was the page we went out on for a month? How’s THAT for some Christmas cheer? I made more attention to long term scheduling than I have in MONTHS to ensure that didn’t happen, and it was still closer than I would have liked.

OH! And because I’m super broke between Christmas shopping and MAGFest planning, let’s have a plug for Patreon! I just posted another Far Out There Character Soundtrack, this time for Tabitha! Any donation above the $2 a month level gets you access! Come on, you know you’re curious what she listens to, right?

(Historical Note: Well, THIS sure was a happy sight to wrap up the year on, huh?  It could have been worse.  I’d briefly considered trying to have THIS be the last page before the Christmas stuff, to try to have some kind of cliffhanger.  Yeah, I realized what a terrible idea that was REAL quick.  Also, I think I may have slipped a reference to Ram Quatzi in here as an apology for leaving him out of all the Christmas stuff.  Just a hunch.)