This is dangerous, folks. Between the dining hall and the TV room, I could easily spend the rest of this comic’s run just having people sit around while non-sequitur pop culture things happen in the background.

So, good news and bad news about this update. The GOOD news is that, for the first time in a lot longer than I care to admit, I actually had a rough draft done days in advance to work from, so getting it done was a LOT easier than the past many pages have been (I kind of didn’t have a choice in the matter, I needed to work out just where the plot would be left hanging when the Christmas comics start). It’s was a doubly good thing too, because I ALSO managed to come down with a head cold over the weekend, which would have made writing a comic from scratch WAAAAAAY harder than finishing up something that was written and even penciled days before.

Buuuuuuut, due to said cold wiping me out for a good chunk of yesterday, I’m afraid the new Voting Incentive isn’t up yet. It’s inked and scanned, it’s sitting unfinished in Manga Studio as I write this. I’m just trying to get out of the habit of letting the main comic that EVERYONE will see suffer in favor of getting bonus content done. So check back later today for some kind of alert when I actually do get the new Incentive posted. Sorry!

Incidentally, I had to go back and read through a LOT of pages to verify that Tabitha and Vengeance really haven’t crossed paths before. I think I was confused because that one page where Stilez pokes Vengeance a lot had originally been conceived as something Tabitha would do… but then I got impatient and had Stilez go ahead and do it. It’s probably better that way, Tabitha’s not usually THAT childish. Or, at least, she finds ways of cloaking her childishness in science-y buzzwords.

EDIT: Okay, the new TWC Incentive is up, and I just realized I forgot to mention that there’s gonna be a special extra Thanksgiving page on Thursday! I gotta stop forgetting stuff like that.

(Historical Notes: Oh man, this is one of the more embarrassing slip-ups in Far Out There history to me, personally.  For everything Past Me says about going back and checking to make sure Tabitha and Vengeance hadn’t met before, I apparently missed LITERALLY THE MOST RECENT APPEARANCE OF VENGEANCE WHERE TABITHA WAS TALKING TO HIM.  That’s just… bad.  I can blame this on how constantly tired I was at this point, or how the increase of last-minute filler pages made things a lot harder to keep track of since I wasn’t following a plan as closely, but all that really matters is that this was one of the most glaring continuity gaffs yet.  Bad enough, if fact, that the version of the page you’re seeing here has been Special Edition’d to change Tabitha’s dialog, and actually so was page 1001 a little bit.  Now it’s clear that Tabitha’s seen him around before, but she’s been so distracted by other things that she forgot it happened.  So it’s autobiographical now.)