So… how do I explain this… This page… I stared at a blank sheet of paper for about twenty hours, trying and failing to get ANYTHING drawn. I have no idea what even happened, but I was just, like, physically incapable of producing art for the better part of a day. I’d spend a few hours trying in vain to get SOME aspect of what was in my head onto the page, and it’d just be completely unusable scribbles. So I’d give up and walk away for a bit, in hopes that a break would clear out the cobwebs, but then when I came back there’d still be nothing happening. Eventually, after a lot of frustration SEVERAL long naps, things just sort of snapped into place all of a sudden at around 4pm, and all of a sudden I was drawing like normal again. But by the things were apocalyptic levels of late, so tune back in tomorrow for the final version with spooky glowy effects and a new voting incentive and everything that would normally be here if things had gone normally. In the meantime, I’m gonna go somewhere and try to figure out just what the heck was wrong with me yesterday…

EDIT: And then I somehow failed to actually SAVE the web-sized version of this page, and posted it with TUESDAY’S comic without noticing, requiring me to go back and redo the whole thing over again. Seriously, what the CRAP is with me today?

11/11 EDIT: My time management skills continue to be the stuff of legend. I actually had the colored version of the page finished and ready to post Saturday evening. Ut wasn’t perfect, I still don’t think the multiple-layers-of-glowing effect is quite what I’d envisioned, but it was close enough to quit tinkering and finally post the dang thing… buuuuuuuut I just had to wait until I had the new Voting Incentive finished, so I could post both at the same time. And guess what? I had to backtrack and re-do several part of the Incentive, and completely forgot that the comic hadn’t been updated in the process. Thus, it’s only hitting the web now, in the wee early hours of Sunday morning. The stuff of legends, I say.

(Historical Notes: See?  SEE?  Now do you get why a break was so necessary?  It’s just a wonder that I made it all the way up to SmackJeeves collapsing before I finally did it.  I gotta say, though, I do think the glowy effects turned out a lot better than Past Me ought to have been able to pull off under these circumstances.  Any combination of Red and Blue works well for me.)