page 1065 – the best of friends
So… what’s my excuse this time? Well, I spent a big ol’ chunk of the past two days working on Conventional Wisdom stuff, so there’s that (did I mention there’s a whole new set of Patreon comics in the public gallery?) but that’s only half the problem. No, the main thing is that I MAJORLY flip flopped on what this page was actually going to be. The original plan was more or less this to start with, but then I realized I’d actually FORGOTTEN a page idea I’d meant to do back when the boys first arrived in the comic. So then I spent a lot of time that SHOULD have been spent drawing just trying to repurposed this old joke into something I could still use… and never figured how how to do it. See, the joke was meant to happen back when Tabitha first saw the kids, and even though those parties haven’t really been in the same scene very often, the kids have still been around long enough that a “let’s meet the new guys” joke just doesn’t feel natural anymore. So I just went back to the original page idea… and had to drastically change THAT around too. *sigh* So here we are, with a late half-finished page that’ll be colored in sometime tomorrow. Whee.
And I didn’t even manage to get the Voting Incentive up until around noon this time. That’s when you KNOW things are serious.
(Historical Notes: Have I mentioned that I was majorly failing to draw rough drafts and plan the pages out in advance? ‘Cos that’s were all those problems come from. See also the fact that this whole page revolves around fighting over the room’s one bed, AND WE AT NO POINT SEE AN ESTABLISHING SHOT SHOWING THERE’S ONLY ONE BED. That’s some REALLY basic sequential storytelling to be failing at. In fact, I actually failed TWICE at it, because page 1048 was supposed to give us a clear view of the room’s layout but I forgot to keep the bed visible THERE too! I had been doing this whole cartooning thing for HOW many years by this point?)
You’d think that the kids with the Adamantium Credit Card with the Infinity limit on it would be able to afford separate rooms. I guess the Cap’n really hates them. Probably booked them 4 rooms and “accidentally” gave them all the same room key.
It’s a security measure. If they’re all together, then there’s less space they need to keep Stillez out of.
…also, they shot an escape pod directly into the side of his ship.