I feel like I could just copy and paste the previous few comments for this one: The comic’s late and it’s because I’ve been working on Conventional Wisdom and I fell asleep and at least I got a new Voting Incentive done on time and blah blah blah. Really, the only original thought I have to add this time is that I blew a lot more time than I should have fiddling with the designs for Layla’s jacket and Tabitha’s shirt. Actually, that’s two things. I spent so much time figuring out a new outfit for Layla that I realized I’d forgot to give Tabitha anything new until the last minute, so I had to stop and do that. If Layla’s gonna have the temerity to insist on dressing like a normal person, Tabitha’s gonna bust out some unnecessary belts and excessive zippers and other weeb-ish details, dang it!

(Historical Notes: Spoiler alert, but Tabitha’s outfit would turn out to be a major chore due to all the little details to keep straight.  You have NO idea how much time I spent adding or removing zippers that were on the wrong side.  Layla’s outfit, on the other hand, remains a real winner.  The specific details on the jacket should have gone through a few more revisions to make it simpler to draw, but the general theme of shorts + leggings/boots/big baggy jacket is an extremely good combination for Layla.  You can expect me to be revisiting different variations of this template a lot in the future.  Also, Migraine Ninja Kitty is one of the best in-universe characters in all of Far Out There.  I will FIGHT you over this.)