(Historical Notes: See what I mean about stalling?  Part of this was Past Me just indulging in whatever silly idea I had at the moment, with bonus points if said idea involved drawing fewer panels than whatever the original plan was.  But there was also a larger reason for dragging things out, one that I’m STILL not going to dig into yet because I feel like it impacts 2019’s pages a lot harder than most of 2018.  And yes, I fully realize the hypocrisy in Present Me dragging out my remarks on Past Me dragging things out.  I never claimed to have LEARNED from my mistakes.  But as for the comic itself, the texture on those tentacles sure is… something.  I was trying to just give it a red glow, but that attempt failed in ways that wound up vastly exceeding my expectations.  The end result is more… goopy than intended, like a red gelatin.  It makes the whole thing SO much grosser than I’d ever dared hope for.  I almost certainly wouldn’t be able to replicate this effect if I actually tried to do it on purpose.)