I’d LIKE to blame the fact that this page is both late and unfinished on the fact that I did an extra Father’s Day page for Sunday… but that was two days ago, and that page was still only half finished when I posted it. No, I just horribly botched my plans for the background (which, ironically, was supposed to SPEED THINGS UP) and it took me this long to salvage things. At least Avi’s not the only one around here with questionable plan-making abilities.

However, I DO want somebody to call the Institute for 90s Trash Culture so they can give me my reward for working a ProStars reference into today’s comic.

And, while we wait for the final draft, enjoy today’s Voting Incentive, which at least has color already.

(Historical Notes: Um… I’m not actually sure what Past Me is talking about regarding “plans for the background.”  Maybe I just drew The Kids back there once, with some extra Avi details to one side, with the intention of copy/pasting everything together but found they drawing didn’t match up?  That sounds like the sort of thing I’d mess up.  Also, looking at this page now, I wish I’d changed the wording on that Ski Boots box so that the numbers would be counting the number of shoes instead of the number of boxes, and also deliberately made it an odd number of shoes just to see who wondered what the extra one was for.  I wish for very silly things.)