Awww poop butts. This was totally avoidable. I had a big head start on drawing this one, and it really should have gotten finished sometime Monday evening. Buuuuuuuut then I got way to into the Voting Incentive. Like, waaaaaaaaaaaay to into it. There’s at least as much detail in that one as the main page will have once I color it it… if not MORE. Yeah, that’s a terrible allocation of time and energy, but things were going well and I got into a groove and just totally lost track of what time it was. And next thing ya know, I’m zonking out at 5am with the main page not even half finished yet. It shouldn’t take THAT long to finish the page, but with things already running as late as they are, I figured I’d better go ahead and post what I had. Swing back in a few hours for the final draft!

Also, be sure to check out the new Voting Incentive, seeing as how it’s the whole reason this page is late. And it really DID turn out pretty well, I promise!

(Historical Notes: See?  SEE?  Nothing from Past Me about the contents of the comic at all, just a lot of complaints about being late and apologizing for a half-finished page that isn’t even HERE anymore.  And to make matters worse, that lateness Past Me is apologizing for means that this page didn’t even have any reader comments!  Well, at least there weren’t any when the Wayback Machine captured the page.  Booooring.  Well, if Past Me isn’t gonna talk about the comic itself, I’ll try.  I like how Layla tries to casually avoid the most awkward question, which really does manage to say a lot without say much of anything directly.  Also, Tarkus is really good at being the ignored voice of… I’m not sure if “reason” is quite the right word, because I feel like he’d be just as nervous about ANY room they stayed at.  It’s just that his companions are really good at dragging him into situations where his apprehension turns out to be totally justified.  Either way, I like the timing on this one a lot.)