THE CHRISTMAS BONANZA BEGINS! Starting today, Far Out There goes into DAILY updates. That’s a new page EVERY day from now until December 25, PLUS new Voting Incentive comics Tuesday and Friday! (speaking of which, go see the new one!) Just my little gift to you guys!

So, with that out of the way, OH SNAP, WHAT’S GOING ON? Why are our beloved zombie children and mad scientist mama *gasp* STEALING CHRISTMAS? Or, better yet, how exactly could you say that an NOT look like the bad guys?

…well, that part’s actually not that hard to imagine. There’s actually a longstanding tradition of comic books having covers where the heroes LOOK like they’ve gone nuts, but the proper context renders the same event downright mundane (and, usually, looks very different from what was depicted on the cover anyway) Why, there’s a whole website about that stuff… but I can’t really mention the name without endangering this website’s all-ages status.

And, sadly, I must report that this story is NOT a rhyming Dr. Seuss parody. I thought about it, but it just would have been too hard to write (at least, given the time frame involved)

(Historical Notes: Don’t worry, Past Me, I’ve heard enough bad Dr. Seuss parodies by this point in my life to be certain that NOBODY would have liked this story if it seriously attempted to force rhymes into everything)